Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 2, Day 2.

Surprise! Just when you thought these pictures of a deodorant stick moving around a shelf were getting a bit samey, Willy decided to place it in an exotic location after using it this morning.

Behold, the second shelf:

It seems like we are already coming close to the end of the cheese, and to the remaining deodorant that was placed underneath. On yesterday's pictures you could see white stuff on the right side, which is the deodorant, while the transparent stuff was of course the cheese. As you can maybe see today on this picture the cheese is now concentrated in the middle, and the white stuff is becoming visible all around it :

The good thing about putting back some deodorant was that if Willy was ever to start suspecting something, things would go back to normal naturally, without the need of any intervention.

I must say though, there was a decent amount of cheese in there, so the guy must've put on a pretty thick layer this morning. Perhaps because yesterday he noticed a hint of cheese coming from his armpits and staining his shirt? Well, that's good thinking Willy, put on some more of that deodorant to fight off the nasty smell!

Anyhow, I must admit I didn't get much of a chance to smell Willy as of late. But our good friend P. had the brilliant idea of inviting Willy at his place this evening, and has offered to put his nose to work for this task. I'm sure he'll have interesting odours to report later on.

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