Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The douchebag revealed.

Just to make it clear which douchebag we are actually talking about, this is him.
I invite you to refer to him as "Philly Willy" if you ever see him on the street.
(I also invite you to click on the photo below to contemplate this marvel of nature in its full-size glory.)

Since I can't tag pictures here I made a practical list of the elements that compose a douchebag:

-Douche hair: check.
-Douche shirt: check.
-Douche cap: check.
-Douche muscles: check.
-Douche tan: check.
-Bovine eye: check.
-Drinking terrible wine: check.
-Not paying bills on time: check.
-Aggressive behavior: check.
-Beats on his girlfriend: check.
-Uncooperative and disrespectful of others: check.

Well, I think that pretty much sums up our Willy right there.
Did I mention the guy is an utter douche? 'Nuff said.